
Mayor Brown: Medical school and hospital are game changers for Brampton

Remarks from Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown at the January 27, 2023 announcement that Bramalea Civic Centre will be the home to the new TMU Schol of Medicine in Brampton.

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Three years ago almost to the day, the City of Brampton declared a health care emergency. For far too long, Brampton hadn’t received its fair share and we were facing a health care crisis. It’s why we ask for a fair deal for Brampton. Our Fair Deal campaign asks for an active partner in the Ontario government to bridge Brampton’s health care gaps.

And I have to say to the Premier, I know he spoke about the health care crisis and hallway medicine. What’s happened in the last few years has been a game changer for our community. The health care crisis was what I heard door to door in our community. And I know the premier spoke about his commitment to address that.

But even beyond our wildest imaginations, no one would have thought we’d be seeing in Brampton in such a short period of time, not only a commitment to a second hospital, but a medical school. This is incredible. So people see me smiling it is because of all the great news from the Province of Ontario. So thank you Premier.

We also look forward to welcoming the Premier back when we have that official unveiling for the second hospital as well. I understand there’s more work to be done, but I stand very proud of the incredible partnership we have with the Province of Ontario. We needed help. We desperately needed help. And help is coming because of the leadership of the provincial government. 

Bramptonians are so proud to be home to the first new medical school in over 100 years in the GTA. This is historic. This is an incredible day for the City of Brampton. I want to share one story for someone who is not with us today, and that’s the former premier, Bill Davis, someone that we all adored in the City of Brampton. I remember sitting down with Muhammad Lakshmi for the first time, he said, Bill Davis kept on telling us, you have to be in Brampton. And so although he’s not here, I think it’s important to acknowledge that he helped encourage that conversation. And his leadership and his vision is still being felt today. So thank you to our former premier who meant so much to our city for nudging our friend Mohamed Lachemi.

In 2025, Brampton will welcome 80 undergraduate and 95 Postgraduate Doctors of Tomorrow. The School of Medicine will make Brampton the home of a community centric medical school focused on inclusivity, innovation and primary care. Through the creation of the Brampton School of Medicine, we are strengthening our city’s health care system. It’s a system that fosters local talent, creates economic growth, and is considerate of the cultural makeup and one that celebrates diversity.

This announcement today and the second hospital helps address the health care crisis we had in our city. And it goes a long way to ensuring the next generation of health care practitioners can train locally right here in the city. Premier, as I’ve stated many times before, you have been a great partner to the City of Brampton. We welcome every opportunity to work with your government and make positive strides forward for every Brampton.

Thank you for the partnership. I look forward to many announcements like this. Before I conclude, I specifically want to thank Deputy Mayor Harkirat Singh and Councillor Santos. I know this project was one that you’ve been working on for a number of years. Even when people said at the beginning, there is no way it’s possible, there’s no way the province is going to create another medical school. I just want to say how grateful we are for your dedication.

Once again, thank you to the Premier Ford. The night before the provincial budget when this was announced, he called me and literally I was ecstatic because I know what this means for our community.  It’s a very special day for our community and we are very grateful.


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