
Premier Ford: We want doctors from Brampton, trained in Brampton, serving the people of Brampton

Remarks from Premier Doug Ford at the January 27, 2023 announcement that Bramalea Civic Centre will be the home to the new TMU Schol of Medicine in Brampton.

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As we connect people to more convenient care, we need to be bold, innovative and creative. And today, we’re thrilled to be here with our great partners, the Toronto Metropolitan University and the City of Brampton, to announce the new location of the TMU School of Medicine. Ontario’s first new medical school in absolute decades and in the GTA. Thank you for pointing that out, Mayor, in over 100 years.

This is such a great location right here in the heart of Brampton and congratulations to everyone involved. My friends, this new school is part of our government’s major expansion of medical education in Ontario. The largest expansion of our medical school system in more than ten years. In total, we’re adding 160 undergraduate seats and 295 post-graduate positions at medical schools across the province, including 80 undergraduate seats and 95 post-graduate positions right here at the TMU School of Medicine in Brampton.

That’s a very exciting. These seats, they represent Ontario’s doctors of the future, the next generation of health care professionals who will provide care for us at the Brampton Civic Hospital, Peel Memorial, in our long term care homes, or in community settings throughout our province. We want doctors from Ontario trained in Ontario, serving the people of Ontario.

In fact, we want doctors from Brampton, trained in Brampton, serving the people of Brampton. And this is just one part of our government’s actions to expand our health care workforce. For today and tomorrow, we’re investing to upskill nurses to work in critical care. We’re training up to 8,000 new personal support workers. We’re making it easier for doctors and nurses, educated abroad to have their credentials recognized here.

And just last week, we announced plans to introduce new legislation that if passed, will allow Canadian health care workers that are registered or licensed in another province or territory to practice in Ontario immediately without having to register again. My friends, we’re bolstering our pipeline of health care talent so that all Ontarians in every corner of the province get the quality care they need, closer to home, for generations to come.

The status quo is not acceptable. A lot of people out there, they want to have endless debates about our health care system. But the people of Ontario, they just want action. We’re being bold. We’re being innovative. And we’re working hand in hand with our colleges, universities and health care partners.

We’re strengthening our health care workforce and making it easier and faster and more convenient for people to connect to care. Because it’s all about you. It’s all about our health. And thank you. And may God bless the people of Ontario. Thank you so much.

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